Nini Gridley, MS Ed, BFRP was first introduced to Dr. Bach’s system and philosophy in 1990 while employed in a health food store and studying holistic healing. Her extensive investigation included becoming a dedicated, registered practitioner in 2002. She began offering Dr. Edward Bach’s 38 original flower remedies in her private practice, Full Spectrum Healing, originally in Norfolk, CT. The Bach Flower Remedies balance negative emotional states easily and effectively in children and adults and she now trains others to use them. As a Bach International Education Program (BIEP) trainer she offers all three levels of Bach Practitioner training at the Center for Natural Wellness School of Massage in Colonie NY.  Consumers, parents, healers and therapists, anyone can benefit from this training offered worldwide through the Bach Centre in the UK. Contact Nini with questions or consider a Bach Flower Remedy Consultation for yourself, your children. Try them and then learn how to use them yourself. Ease the stress and struggle with remedies derived from Nature.


BIEP Level One

The BIEP Level One course offers the student/consumer the foundation; the indications for all thirty-eight of Dr. Bach’s original Flower Remedies, in a two day in person or four module online course. You learn how the remedies are made, the simplicity of the system and Dr. Bach’s philosophy of healing. The emphasis is on the importance of selecting the right remedy and how to take it solo or blended to alleviate common everyday stress in yourself and your family.


BIEP Level Two

The BIEP Level Two course is two days, in person, working with others to develop your understanding of Dr. Bach’s system and how to use the remedies to create health and well being.  A solid foundation of the 38 Bach Flower indications is a necessary prerequisite to go deeper into Dr. Bach’s seven categories and differentiate between remedies within them. Exploring Mood and Type remedies elaborates on their use over time as well as Dr. Bach’s the underlying philosophy and wisdom about healing.

NEXT SESSION: June 18-19, 2022

BIEP Level Three

The BIEP Level Three course is the culmination of the journey to become a Bach Foundation Registered Practitioner who could work professionally with the Bach Flower Remedies. Qualified students learn, enhance and practice their consultation skills in person over four days of training. There is group work, an assessment and a period of home study preparing cases that will be evaluated. The Level Three assessments must be completed within 18 months at which point you have the option to become internationally registered as a Bach Practitioner and be listed on the Bach Centre website.

NEXT SESSION: October 7-10, 2022