Just in time for the holidays, this four session “Zoom” remote learning opportunity meets Tuesday and Thursday mornings, December 6th, 8th, 13th, and 15th from 9:00 AM -12:30 PM. Students must attend all four sessions (with videos on) to receive the “Certificate of Completion” from the Bach Centre. This BIEP course introduces anyone to each of the 38 Bach Flower Remedies with colorful photos, case histories, practical examples and clever exercises. We'll explore Dr. Edward Bach's philosophy and learn the principles of this simple system of healing that balances emotions restoring health and well being. Students must register by June 24th to receive the binder of learning materials by mail in advance. You will learn how to use the Bach Flower Remedies to reduce stress and balance difficult emotions for yourself and the family.
Early Bird before Nov. 25th — $325
After Nov. 25th — $350
Please register directly with the instructor using the form below. For more information, email Nini at fullspectrumhealing@gmail.com.