This weekend workshop deepens your experience with Bach Flower remedies as you acquire more skill and confidence when selecting them for yourself and others. In our time together you will gain a deeper understanding of the nuances of the 38 original Bach Flower remedies and hone your inquiry skills. Topics include type and mood remedies, comparisons between categories, ample case studies to discern subtle distinctions between remedies, deeper inquiry into Dr. Bach’s philosophy and an important self study opportunity among peers.
Scheduled in person for two full days, 10:00 AM-5:30 PM, with other BIEP Level One graduates, you can develop your selection skills and ask questions. Your tuition covers morning and afternoon refreshments, course materials, two days of training and your BIEP Level Two certificate of completion. Continue on to complete BIEP Level Three (practitioner training) to become a Bach Foundation Registered Practitioner (BFRP) qualified to provide professional consultations utilizing Dr. Bach’s methods and supported by the Bach Centre on their international registry.
$350 per person
PLEASE NOTE: BIEP Level One is a required prerequisite for BIEP Level Two.
Please register online with The Center for Natural Wellness.
For more info fill in the form below or email Nini at